Founder's Message
“Warm Greeting to all” “There is a natural law, a Divine law that obliges you and me to relieve the sufferings of the distressed and the destitute. As I am highly influenced by Philosophy of Buddhism, because in my view Buddhism is not a Religion; it is a way of giving dignity to life, an actual path that leads to the alleviation of suffering. The teachings of Buddhism are highly relevant and easily applicable to modern issues in today's society. ”
In Buddhism, the primary purpose of life is to end suffering. The Buddha taught that humans suffer because we continually strive after things that do not give lasting happiness. We desperately try to hold on to things - friends, health, material things - that do not last, and this causes sorrow. We are living in a society where people’s way of life and income is so much worse than the general standard of living; they struggle to live a normal life and to participate in ordinary economic, social and cultural activities. So our thirst to reduce this human suffering and improve quality of their life has given birth to Shanti Nandan Bauddha Welfare Society that is how this society (NGO) came into existence.
In last I want to say that you need not to be a Buddhist, you can use teaching of Buddha to be a better-what-ever-you-already-are.
"We make a commitment to respect life and dignity, individuality and diversity, so that every person is treated humanely." - The Declaration of a Global Ethic