To create self-employment in the rural population by multi-dimensional approaches
About us
The Shanti Nandan Bauddha Welfare Society (SNBWS), Gariaon, is a non-governmental, not political, non profiteering based organization established in the year 2013 by a group of great and dedicated social workers and educationists of tremendous vision as response to the general mass and deprived population. It has been legally registered on 27.12.2013 under the Society Registration Act-XXI of 1860 vide, Regn. No. 1083/2013-14 by the Registrar of Society, Department of Registration Uttar Pradesh Government.
With mission to Empowerment of the underprivileged sections of the society Shanti Nandan Bauddha Welfare Society is focused on social welfare activities aimed at alleviation of human suffering and all-round development of the community especially for the poor, helpless & weaker sections children, youth and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare and market-focused livelihood program.
our philosophy
The greatest cause of suffering on earth is poverty, far from ignoring or minimizing poverty, Buddhist teachings are sensitive to it, offering both diagnosis and remedies. According to Buddhism poverty (daliddiya) is a root cause of immorality and crimes such as theft, falsehood, violence, hatred and cruelty. And it involves dukkha (suffering), best translated as "ill-being" in this context. The goal of the Buddhist path is to end our dukkha (suffering), and that does not imply any significant distinction between worldly dukkha (suffering) and some other spiritual type. So Buddhism does not and cannot value poverty that is a source of dukkha (suffering) . Poverty means lacking the basic material requirements for leading a decent life free from hunger, exposure and disease. The basic needs of a human being provide a useful benchmark: food sufficient to alleviate hunger and maintain one's health, clothing sufficient to be socially decent and to protect the body, shelter sufficient for serious engagement with cultivating the mind, and health care sufficient to cure and prevent disease.
today's scenario
Today 75% of the Indian Population lives in the villages. Most of the rural population living in the rural areas dependent on the agriculture for livelihood. A Majority of these families spend over 90% of their income on basic needs such as food, fuel and health. Many are not able to meet even these essential needs. For self sustaining development in the rural areas a change in terms of technology, employment patterns, skills, health, education, and environment is the need of the hour. Rural development has been given top priority in our planning. Having realized the need to uplift the Socio-Economic backward sections of urban & rural community, the Shanti Nandan Bauddha Welfare Society is organizing various programs and activities.